‘Not a Dairy Queen’ – Alan Cumming Is Making a Statement This Pride

Posted by on June 9, 2016 | Permalink

Alan Cumming is making a statement this Pride.

Leaflets featuring the gay vegan actor sporting a T-shirt which reads, “Not a Dairy Queen”, will be handed out by PETA volunteers at gay-pride festivals across the UK to show our support for the right of all individuals to be free from oppression.

Alan Cumming Dairy Queen

The actor, known for his roles in productions such as Cabaret, Design for Living and a one-man adaptation of Macbeth, as well as on-screen performances in Emma, GoldenEye and The Good Wife, has an affinity for animals that goes all the way back to his childhood on a farm in Scotland – where he witnessed the routine cruelty inflicted on farmed animals.

On dairy farms, gentle, intelligent cows are often intensively confined and lead desperately unhappy lives. Treated as milk-producing machines, cows are genetically manipulated and regularly dosed with antibiotics. Usually, their calves are taken away from them when they’re just 1 day old, causing intense grief and anguish.

Fortunately, it’s easy to get all the nutrients you need without hurting cows. Fortified plant-derived milks, such as soya and almond milk, provide calcium, vitamins, iron, zinc and protein but do not contain any cholesterol. And vegan ice creams, cheeses and yoghurts are delicious and readily available across the UK. Even better, they’re also cruelty-free!

UK Vegan Dairy Products

So take a stand and support the rights of everyone, including cows. Order your “Not a Dairy Queen” shirt from PETA US, and take the vegan pledge in order to receive resources, recipes and tips every week to help you go vegan.