Rabbits Spared From Hell-Hole Misery Thanks to You!

Posted by on June 1, 2011 | Permalink

Champagne corks have been popping in the office following the news that plans to build two intensive rabbit-breeding farms in East Bridgford and Granby in Nottinghamshire have been shelved, thanks in large part to the many objections the council received. And you, our fabulous supporters, sent more than 1,600 of them!

The proposed facilities would have been the first rabbit factory farms in the UK in 15 years, and each would have housed up to 1,100 rabbits in wire cages stacked three high inside windowless barns. This kind of unnatural environment – which provides no fresh air or sunlight – can cause extremely painful bone disorders and foot inflammation and can lead stressed animals to resort to neurotic, self-destructive behaviour.

Whilst this is great news for the rabbits who have been spared from suffering in this “house of horrors”, please don’t forget the not-so-lucky animals currently suffering for the meat and dairy industries. And if you haven’t yet, please make the compassionate and healthy decision to banish animal products from your diet for good.