Zoning Snag Ends PETA Us Plan To Make Jeffrey Dahmer’S Home Into Vegan Restaurant

For Immediate Release:

9 April 2014


Ben Williamson +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 229; [email protected]

Animal Group Hoped to Turn Site of Killer’s First Murder Into a Place to Contemplate Non-Violence

London – When serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer’s childhood home in Akron went up for sale last week, PETA US fired off a letter of enquiry to the real-estate agent handling the property, Richard Lubinski, expressing the group’s interest in opening a vegan restaurant on the site. Regrettably, the proposal has been thwarted by zoning restrictions, which means that PETA US will not be able to move forward with this project, even though it was met with some enthusiasm as well as some derisive comments.

The group had hoped to point out that murderous actions such as Dahmer’s – including binding victims’ limbs, drugging and dismembering them, refrigerating parts of their bodies and eating them – are still carried out on other living beings who happen not to be human and that one way to turn evil into good would be to convert the home into a vegan restaurant. PETA US planned to call the restaurant Eat for Life: Home Cooking.

“What Jeffrey Dahmer did shocked everyone, and the violence inherent in putting meat on the table today should also shock all but the most hard-hearted person”, says PETA UK founder and PETA US President Ingrid E Newkirk. “Establishing a vegan restaurant in Jeffrey Dahmer’s old (slaughter)house would have allowed people to think of all the individuals who are still being killed and eaten and encourage them to practice kindness to animals with every bite they take.”

To order your free vegan starter kit, please click here or visit PETA.org.uk.
