We Did It! University of Bristol Drops the Forced Swim Test
Great news for mice and rats – the University of Bristol has dropped the forced swim test on animals following PETA’s campaign.
Medical Research Funding Bodies Reject Cruel Test on Animals
After hearing from PETA, three independent medical research funding bodies rejected cruel near-drowning tests on animals.
PETA Scientists Reveal Step-by-Step Plan for Ending Cruel Near-Drowning Test on Animals
In a newly published paper, PETA scientists present a watertight case for ending two inescapably cruel experiments on animals.
Progress! PETA Applauds Government for Forced Swim Test Decision
The forced swim test is no longer to be used as a model of human depression or for studies of anxiety in the UK.
413 World-Leading Academics and Scientists Urge Home Office to Abolish Forced Swim Test
PETA and world-leading academics and scientists are calling for an end to the forced swim test and for the Home Office to implement an immediate policy ban.
Progress! Australia Is One Step Closer to Banning the Forced Swim Test – What About the UK?
In this archaic experiment, small animals are forced into beakers of water and made to swim for their lives.
Cross-Party Parliamentarians Urge Home Office to Abolish Forced Swim Test
The Home Office must act immediately to end the use of the outrageously crude and cruel forced swim test.
PETA Calls On Home Office to End the Forced Swim Test With 40,000 Strong Petition
Activists gathered outside the Home Office to demand an end to near-drowning tests on animals with a 40,000-strong PETA petition.
Mickey and Minnie Reimagined: PETA Highlights Suffering of Mice and Rats
Forced swimming experiments cause mice, rats, and other small animals to suffer for dead-end science. A new PETA campaign highlights their ordeal with a satirical image of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
From ‘Love Island’ to ‘Science Lab’, Lucie Donlan Highlights Cruel Forced Swim Test
Love Island star Lucie Donlan “treads water” to highlight the cruelty of the forced swim test on animals.