Belfast Woman Is Finalist In PETA’S ‘Sexiest Vegetarian’ Contest
For Immediate Release:
23 August 2011
Sandra Smiley 020 7357 9229, ext 229; [email protected]
Belfast – What does Belfast resident Nicola Ward have in common with Bill Clinton, Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman and Joaquin Phoenix? They are all sizzlingly sexy vegans and vegetarians! PETA is now on a mission to find sexy but not-quite-world-famous counterparts to the celebrity vegetarians. Nicola has beaten out hundreds of entrants from across Europe to become one of eight female finalists in PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian contest.
Nicola gave up meat in 2005 after seeing video footage of a pig factory farm and went vegan two years later. “It is … the most important and greatest decision I have ever made”, she explains, as going meat-free not only cleared her conscience but also improved her health. The former ballerina is now a busy business consultant who, when not in the office, is whipping up delicious vegan food for family and friends.
“On average, vegetarians are healthier and have more energy than meat-eaters – and that makes them sexier too”, says PETA Special Projects Coordinator Abi Izzard. “One look at our radiant line-up of compassionate, sexy vegetarian finalists and it’s clear that they’re all winners.”
To see Nicola’s photo and short bio, along with pictures of the other beaus and belles selected as finalists, please click here. People can vote for their favourite contestants to let PETA know which ones they think PETA should choose as the two winners – one male and one female. As well as the finalists’ popularity with voters, in picking the winners PETA will also consider their commitment to the animal rights cause and, of course, how hot they are! The winners – who will each receive a bundle of prizes from some of the UK’s top ethical companies, such as The Throw Company, Vintage Roots, The Redwood Wholefood Company, Bulldog and Bourgeois Bohème – will be announced on 24 September.