Charlotte Crosby Gets Cosy With Giant ‘Condoms’ And Homeless Dog In Spay-And-Neuter Appeal
For Immediate Release:
5 November 2013
Ben Williamson +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 229; [email protected]
Photos from the event can be found here and here and Rex among others.
London – Holding a sign that reads, “Dogs and Cats Can’t Wear Condoms: Spay and Neuter”, Geordie Shore star and Celebrity Big Brother winner Charlotte Crosbyjoined two PETA members dressed as giant condoms as well as Jumbo – a 3-month-old homeless dog from The Mayhew Animal Home – for an eye-catching demonstration in London’s Covent Garden on Tuesday. Their point? That the only way to get a handle on the UK’s cat and dog overpopulation crisis is always to have your animals spayed or neutered.
“There’s a lot of safe sex goes on in the Geordie Shore house – but unlike people, dogs and cats can’t play it safe without our help“, Crosby says. “It’s up to all of us to fix the problem of animal homelessness by fixing our animals, preventing tens of thousands of adorable animals like Jumbo from suffering and dying every year.”
Each year, thousands of cats and dogs in UK animal shelters must be killed because there aren’t enough good homes for them. Other animals are abandoned on the streets, where they starve to death, get injured or killed by vehicles or fall prey to abuse. The only way to “fix” the problem is by spaying and neutering and always adopting animals from shelters, rather than buying from pet shops or breeders, which only makes the problem worse. Spaying and neutering makes a big difference: Just one unaltered female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in only six years.
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