‘Don’t Buy It!’ Mena Suvari Blasts Cruel Down Industry in New PETA US Campaign
For Immediate Release:
26 June 2018
Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]
American Beauty Star Flies to the Rescue of Gentle, Bloodied Birds
London – With a swirl of bloody feathers encircling her face, vegan American Pie star Mena Suvari blasts the down industry in a brand-new ad campaign for PETA US that proclaims, “Cruelty to Animals Gets Me Down. Down Production Is Agony for Ducks. Please Don’t Buy It.”
In an accompanying video spot, Suvari recalls first learning about the suffering of birds in the down industry: “I just remember sitting in my home, and I was watching one of the videos showing these geese who were having their feathers ripped out while they were still alive, and they were screaming,” she says. “And it was really, really horrifying.” She immediately threw her feather-filled duvets and pillows in the rubbish bin. “I could not accept myself after watching that video, laying my head down on these pillows and going to sleep that night,” she explains.
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear or abuse in any other way” – has revealed that down-industry workers in China left sick and injured chicks, geese, and ducks to die in pain. Dead birds were found decaying in crates and ponds or tossed outside like rubbish.
Suvari previously teamed up with PETA US to call for a ban on fur farming in Estonia. She is part of a long list of celebrities – including her American Woman co-star Alicia Silverstone as well as Gillian Anderson, Joaquin Phoenix, and Krysten Ritter – who have helped PETA or its international affiliates promote kindness to animals.
For more information, please visit PETA.org.uk.