Giant ‘Rabbits’ Descend On Nottingham To Protest Planned Factory Farms
For Immediate Release:
19 May 2011
Sandra Smiley 0207 357 9229, ext 229; [email protected]
Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire – Today, carrying signs that read, “Everybunny Say NO to Factory Farms”, giant costumed “rabbits” from PETA gathered outside the Rushcliffe Borough Council office to protest against applications for two rabbit farms in Granby and East Bridgford, Nottinghamshire. The colossal cottontails were calling on passers-by to voice their opposition to the factory farm applications.
“If the Rushcliffe Borough Council can come up with one good reason to allow two factory farms to set up their bloody business in our backyard, we’re all ears”, says PETA special projects coordinator Abi Izzard. “Britain hasn’t seen intensive factory farms for rabbits in 15 years, and it defies all logic and compassion to bring this gruesome industry back again.”
Modern factory farms are designed to produce as much meat as quickly and cheaply as possible and in the least amount of space. The proposed farms would each house up to 1,100 rabbits who would be kept in wire cages stacked three high inside windowless barns. This unnatural environment – which provides no fresh air or sunlight – can cause extremely painful bone disorders and foot inflammations, and the stressed animals often resort to neurotic, self-harming behaviour.