PETA Launches Petition Opposing Scotland’s First Caviar Farm

For Immediate Release:

21 December 2017


Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]


Group Notes That in Addition to Causing Fish Terrible Suffering, the Facility Could Have Adverse Effects on the Environment and Local Community

Cowal, Scotland – A proposal has been submitted to Argyll and Bute Council for an intensive caviar farm that would keep fish confined in stressful, unnatural conditions before subjecting them to a cruel, bloody death – and in response, PETA has launched a petition urging the council to reject the plan. The facility would be the first of its kind in Scotland and only the second in the UK.

In the petition, the group points out that in addition to causing cruelty to fish, a farm of this kind would likely have many negative effects on the local area, including increased traffic from goods vehicles and the obstruction of scenic views by new buildings. The generation of environmental pollutants such as ammonia could also potentially have a detrimental impact on wildlife.

“If this plan goes ahead, fish will endure a slow and painful death before they’re cut open and their eggs are removed to produce caviar – a pointless ‘delicacy’ that nobody needs,” says PETA Director Elisa Allen. “PETA is calling for the proposal to be rejected, sparing fish this immense suffering.”

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” – notes that in the wild, sturgeons live in open rivers and migrate vast distances upstream to breed. On commercial fish farms, they’re confined to tiny, severely crowded tanks, where they have no option but to spend their lives swimming in endless circles. Deprived of the opportunity to engage in natural behaviour, they’re highly susceptible to stress and aggression. Many also sustain physical injuries, such as damage to their tails, because of the intense crowding. At the end of their miserable lives, they’re transferred to an ice bath, where their gills are cut and they’re left to bleed out – a slow, painful way to die.

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