‘Pug Pubs’ Promote Poorly Pups: PETA Proposes Local Lounges Boost Mutts by Changing Names

‘Pug Pubs’ Promote Poorly Pups: PETA Proposes Local Lounges Boost Mutts by Changing Names

Coventry – Because pugs and other breathing-impaired dog breeds (BIB) suffer from numerous health problems that impede their airways and shorten their life expectancies, PETA sent a letter to Matt and Alex Crowther – owners of The Fat Pug, The Royal Pug, The Black Pug, and The Lazy Pug pubs – encouraging them to stop normalising pugs’ suffering and instead rename their brand “Mutt Pub” to promote unique and loveable mixed breeds. PETA offered to help design new mutt-focused logos for the pubs and contribute to the costs of new signage.

“Pugs and other intentionally deformed ‘pedigrees’ endure a lifetime of debilitating symptoms that make it nearly impossible for them to run, chase a ball, or do most of the things that make dogs’ lives fulfilling,” says PETA Vice President of Programmes Elisa Allen. “PETA encourages ‘Pug pubs to raise a glass to healthy, one-of-a-kind mixed breeds and promote adoption by becoming ‘Mutt’ pubs.”

PETA points out that BIBs suffer from a multitude of health problems due to their deliberately distorted and restricted airways, which shorten their lives and cause them to pant, snort, wheeze, and struggle to breathe – all because breeders want them to have a particular look. Norway and the Netherlands have restricted the breeding of certain BIBs, and the Australian Veterinary Association has called for a ban on breeding and showing them.

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit PETA.org.uk or follow the group on Facebook, X, TikTok, or Instagram.


Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]
