Rula Lenska Calls Out ‘I’m a Celebrity’: ‘Irresponsible, Inhumane’
Rula Lenska Calls Out ‘I’m a Celebrity’: ‘Irresponsible, Inhumane’
TV Star Calls For ITV to Drop Live-Animal Challenges
London – “There’s absolutely nothing amusing or entertaining about abusing animals, though the ‘brain trust’ responsible for I’m a Celebrity … Get Me out of Here! will apparently resort to anything for a cheap laugh,” writes actor Rula Lenska. “This abuse is why I have never been on the show and never will be.”
In an exclusive opinion piece for PETA, Lenska notes that unlike celebrities, who appear on the show willingly, snakes, rats, and other animals have no choice – and often pay with their lives in the name of entertainment. “All animals, no matter how great or small, are sentient beings and are here on this Earth for a purpose – and that purpose is not human entertainment,” she writes.
Lenska – who has been approached about appearing on the show several times – points out that I’m a Celebrity … Get Me out of Here! not only demonstrates utter disregard for animal welfare but also sends the harmful message to viewers that cruelty to animals is acceptable and even entertaining.
Lenska goes on to urge her fans to support PETA’s campaign calling for ITV to stop abusing animals – which includes a petition that currently has over 30,000 signatures – and concludes by writing, “Cruelty to any living, feeling being is repulsive. As, supposedly, the most intelligent mammals on the planet, we have a voice. Let’s use it to help all animals in need.”
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment” – opposes speciesism, which is a human-supremacist worldview.
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Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]