‘Stop the Seal Slaughter!’ Nearly Naked Model Crashes Canada Day Celebrations

For Immediate Release:

1 July 2017


Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]


PETA Supporter Slams Country’s Annual Seal Massacre

Stourbridge– Today, as Canada celebrates its 150th birthday, 29-year-old Alice Glover from Stourbridge – wearing little more than underwear and carrying a “dead seal” – joined two other activists outside the High Commission of Canada to protest the country’s disgraceful commercial seal slaughter, which kills tens of thousands of gentle harp seals each year. Protesters also held signs proclaiming, “Canada’s Shame: Seals Beaten to Death” and “Stop the Bloody Seal Slaughter.”

Images are available here, here, and here.

“We want Canada Day revellers to know that clubbing and shooting baby seals to death is nothing to celebrate,” she says. “The world is watching and waiting for Canada to end the biggest massacre of marine mammals on the planet.”

Sealers use wooden clubs, ice picks, and guns to kill the seals, often managing merely to wound them before leaving them to endure a slow, agonising death. Veterinarians who have investigated the carnage found that sealers routinely fail to comply with Canada’s animal-welfare legislation. PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way” – notes that there’s no market for seal meat and few remaining major markets for seal fur, as the EU, Russia, and the US have all banned it.

Glover is available for interviews. For more information, please visit PETA.org.uk.
