‘Twilight’ Star Takes A Bite Out Of The Pet Industry
For Immediate Release:
16 November 2011
Liane Eltan +44 (0) 207 357 9229, ext 229; [email protected]
London – Booboo Stewart, known to many of his fans as Seth Clearwater, a four-legged member of the Twilight saga’s wolf pack, comes to the rescue once again – this time, for homeless animals. In his brand-new “Adopt, Don’t Buy” ad for PETA US, Booboo poses alongside his adopted dog, Pookie, to spread the word that “buying animals is killing animals” and to urge people always to adopt and never buy.
“If you guys are interested in getting any kind of animal, definitely go and adopt”, said Stewart in an exclusive interview from the photo shoot. He also spoke out against the Canadian seal slaughter and stressed the importance of never buying or wearing fur or leather products.
Approximately 126,000 unwanted animals were picked up by local authorities in the UK last year – that’s 345 animals a day – and a healthy dog is euthanised every hour simply because there aren’t enough good homes. For every animal purchased from a pet shop or a breeder, a homeless animal sitting in a shelter loses his or her chance at finding a home.
Stewart isn’t the only Twilight star to team up with PETA US to speak up for animals. Kellan Lutz previously starred in a pro-adoption campaign, and Christian Serratos has spoken out against classroom dissection and wearing fur.