Victory! Exeter Mayor Ditches Ceremonial Robes Lined With Real Fur
For Immediate Release:
1 August 2013
Ben Williamson +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 229; [email protected]
Exeter – After receiving a letter from PETA explaining the cruelty involved in fur production as well as the British public’s overwhelming opposition to the use of fur, the Lord Mayor of Exeter confirmed to PETA that she will no longer wear robes containing real fur. In an e-mail sent to PETA, Councillor Rachel Lyons’ office confirmed that the two ceremonial fur robes worn by civic officers will not be replaced when they come to the end of their life cycle sometime soon. PETA is sending Lyons a box of vegan chocolates.
“It’s important that public figures set a positive example, and by saying no to fur, the Lord Mayor of Exeter has made it clear that animals deserve respect”, says PETA Associate Director Mimi Bekhechi. “Animals raised for fur suffer every day of their lives before they endure a painful and terrifying death.”
Fourteen other lord mayors have also confirmed that they don’t use real fur in their robes: John Lines, Birmingham; Khadim Hussain, Bradford; Faruk Choudhury, Bristol; Gary Crookes, Coventry; Tom Murray, Leeds; Mustafa Kamal, Leicester; Gary Millar, Liverpool; Naeem ul Hassan, Manchester; Margaret Wood, Newcastle upon Tyne; Keith Driver, Norwich; Merlita Bryan, Nottingham; Lynne Stagg, Portsmouth; Vickie Priestley, Sheffield; and Sheila Pitt, Stoke-on-Trent.
Animals on fur farms spend their entire lives confined to cramped, filthy cages before they are beaten, gassed or anally electrocuted. More than 2 million cats and dogs are skinned in China every year – many while still conscious. Fur farming is outlawed in the UK, but it’s still legal to import fur. For council leaders to wear fur-trimmed robes, it not only goes against British values but also diminishes the meaning of the ban. A recent Times News Service survey showed that 95 per cent of Britons refuse to wear real fur.
PETA’s correspondence with the Lord Mayor is attached. For more information, please visit