Will Adventure Park Stop Giving Away Goldfish as Prizes?
For Immediate Release:
9 August 2018
Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]
PETA Seeks End to Live-Animal Giveaways at Bundoran Adventure Park
Bundoran, Co Donegal – After hearing from concerned visitors who were appalled to see live goldfish being handed out as prizes at Bundoran Adventure Park, PETA sent a letter to the park this morning calling for a ban on live-animal giveaways.
The image is also available here.
In the letter, PETA notes that the vast majority of goldfish taken home from the funfair are likely to perish within days as the victims of unintentional neglect or deliberate cruelty at the hands of people who weren’t properly prepared to care for them.
“[W]hile fairgoers are having the time of their lives, these fish are living in a house of horrors,” writes PETA Outreach Coordinator Teodora Zglimbea. “Ending the practice of giving fish away as prizes will have no effect on attendance at Bundoran Adventure Park. It will, however, send the message that fish, like all animals, are worthy of consideration and that cruelty to any individual, no matter how small, must not be allowed.”
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way” – notes that goldfish are intelligent and social animals who communicate, cooperate, can recognise different humans, and use tools. They’re often bred in giant tubs, kept in conditions that are a far cry from their natural habitat, and condemned to live in small bowls that don’t afford them enough space or oxygen.
The letter is available here. For more information, please visit PETA.org.uk.