Will McDonald’s Launch McVegan After PETA Appeal?
For Immediate Release:
7 November 2019
Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]
Following Success with Greggs and KFC, Group Urges Golden Arches to Add ‘Meaty’ Burger to Menu
London – In the midst of World Vegan Month, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is petitioning McDonald’s to add the McVegan burger to UK menus. The popular fast-food eatery has already launched the delicious, meaty vegan option across Sweden and Finland – and it’s high time for the UK to enjoy some McLovin’ too.
“More people than ever are seeking vegan foods – and while its fries, Spicy Veggie Wrap, and apple pies are already suitable for vegans, McDonald’s means burgers, and adding the McVegan would deliver the full package,” says PETA Director of Vegan Corporate Projects Dawn Carr. “PETA is calling on McDonald’s to serve up the sensational meaty vegan burger and spare millions of gentle cows the horrors of the abattoir.”
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” – notes that in British abattoirs, workers shoot cows in the head with a captive-bolt gun, hang them up by one leg, and cut their throats, often while they’re still conscious. In addition to sparing nearly 200 animals a year a violent and terrifying death, vegans are less prone to suffering from heart disease, diabetes, strokes, obesity, and cancer than meat-eaters are. They also have smaller carbon footprints, as the meat industry is a major producer of the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change.
For more information, please visit PETA.org.uk.