All About Animals: Shooting

Lots of people think rabbits, foxes and ducks are beautiful, wonderful creatures, but some people like to shoot them for fun or food. Can you name some other animals people shoot? Examples include squirrels, deer, pheasant, grouse and partridges. Some people breed birds just so others can shoot them, but in the Netherlands, breeding birds to be shot is against the law. Learn about other animals targeted by shooters:

  • Ducks are highly inquisitive and can be very sociable. Two rescued ducks named Jake and Jasper like to look at themselves in mirrors and run to the phone every time it rings. In the morning, they greet the postman and walk to the front door with him. They love attention and choose to spend a lot of their time around people. They swim, explore the undergrowth and sit in the sunshine.

    In the wild, ducks fall into two groups: “divers” and “dabblers”. Diving ducks find their food beneath the water and have to dive down to find it. Dabbling ducks find their food on the surface of the water and “dabble” the surface with their beaks to find food.

  • Foxes live in many types of habitat, from inner cities to mountaintops. What they eat depends on where they live. Fox cubs are born blind and deaf in underground “earths”, but after four weeks, they are able to come out of the earths and start to explore their surroundings.
  • Rabbits are sociable animals who live underground in large groups. They dig their own warrens, which can be up to 3 metres deep. That’s a lot of digging!

Talk About: Topics to Chat About!
1. Do you think it would be fun to shoot an animal? Why or why not?
2. Do you think animals think it’s fun to be shot? Why or why not?
3. Is it OK to shoot animals if you are planning to eat them?