Christmas Delivery: Every Gloucestershire School and Library Receives ‘AnimalKind’

Posted by on December 8, 2020 | Permalink

Just in time for Christmas, over 100 copies of PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk and Gene Stone’s book AnimalKind have been delivered to secondary schools and public libraries in Gloucestershire.

The donation comes courtesy of local resident Hekmat Kaveh, who was inspired to make the donation after seeing Newkirk on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show.

AnimalKind explores the fascinating talents, intelligence, emotional lives, and communication skills of animals – from mice to monkeys, dogs, elephants, and more. The book offers easy steps that everyone – no matter their age – can take to help make the world a kinder place.

Hekmat made the donation in honour of his three vegan daughters:

Animals cannot speak for themselves, and the only way we can help animalkind in the long term is by educating the young. As an educationalist, my belief is that books will have a longer impression than social media and advertising, as they will remain in libraries, in schools and on coffee tables for many years. I taught my girls about animal cruelty, and the care and compassion we need to show animals, from a very young age. Each of them has become a more caring and loving individual as a result.

I believe respect for life in all of its forms, human and otherwise, will teach us to understand life’s struggles, and as a result, we will have more empathy and understanding for those who have suffered all forms of inequality – and this will make us all better human beings.

How to Spare Animals Harm

Ingrid and Gene pair their tour of the mesmerising lives of animals with a guide to some exciting ways humans can avoid using and abusing them as they once did.

Advances in technology are increasingly able to replace harmful medical experiments on animals, and innovations in animal-free materials have led major fashion designers – and recently, Her Majesty the Queen – to take a stand against using real fur. AnimalKind offers alternatives to using animals for all the functions they’ve been exploited for.

We no longer send canaries down coal mines or kill rabbits in pregnancy tests – so why not modernise by phasing out all animal exploitation and feel good about doing so?

Follow in Hekmat’s footsteps and give the gift of kindness this Christmas: