Ask Your Partner to Take the Leap and Go Vegan

Posted by on February 29, 2012 | Permalink

PETA is asking all its female members and supporters to get down on bended knee, look their beloved in the eye and propose…that they Go Vegan for Leap Day!

The 29th of February is traditionally a day where women ask men to marry them, but we feel a more fun and important use of this auspicious day is to ask the men in our lives to go veg for the day. Not got a boyfriend? No problem! Ask your brother, dad, or anyone you love to do the best thing for the animals and their own health and ditch the dairy, meat and fish for 24 hours… or more.

PETA wants all women to show how important it is that their loved ones do this, as millions of animals are suffering around the world at the hands of the meat industry. Check out PETA US’ site for delicious recipes to create a taste sensation for your amour.

If you do this, please let us know!