Carrefour Drops Bullfight Ticket Sales

Posted by on July 8, 2011 | Permalink

Carrefour, the second largest worldwide distributor of bullfight tickets (after Wal-Mart, which own ASDA in the UK), has made the compassionate decision to drop sales of tickets to bullfighting events in France.

In a letter to PETA France, Carrefour stated that as of April 2011, sales of the tickets would cease because of a lack of consumer demand.

Read the letter in French here.

Catalonia last year became the second Spanish region to ban bullfighting outright, after the Canary Islands in 1991. Various other cities and towns across Colombia, Ecuador, France, Portugal, Spain and Venezuela have also recently declared themselves anti-bullfighting.

There can be no excuse for tormenting, torturing and violently killing animals. Thousands of bulls still suffer and die every single year at the hands of the bullfighting industry, and it’s time that this antiquated blood sport was relegated to the history books.