FSA Report Says Nearly Half of Young People Are Dairy-Intolerant

Posted by on May 9, 2017 | Permalink

A report published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has revealed that 46 per cent of people aged 16 to 24 have an adverse reaction to cows’ milk.

It’s long been known that dairy foods are unnecessary for human health and can even cause adverse reactions. Cows’ milk is suited to the nutritional needs of calves, who have four stomachs and gain hundreds of kilos in a matter of months – calves can sometimes weigh around 500 kilos before they’re 2 years old. Milk is high in fat, which is linked to many illnesses in humans, and also contains lactose and certain proteins that are common triggers for allergies and intolerance.

Young people are increasingly choosing non-dairy milks not only for health reasons but also because of the detrimental environmental effects of animal agriculture and the cruelty animals endure so humans can drink their milk.

Earlier this year, the Office for National Statistics, which produces an annual consumer price index for a typical supermarket basket, added milk alternatives because of the growing demand for them.

Fortified vegan milks, such as soya or almond milk, provide calcium, vitamins, iron, zinc, and protein but don’t contain any cholesterol. More and more people are realising the harmful effects of milk on our health, so there’s never been a better time to ditch dairy foods and choose plant-based milk instead.