Kate Winslet Exposes Foie Gras Cruelty

Posted by on December 18, 2009 | Permalink

Oscar winner Kate Winslet is following in the footsteps of other great actors and calling for retailers to stop selling foie gras.

She narrates this exclusive video for PETA and reveals undercover investigation footage of the cruelty endured by ducks and geese used for the “delicacy of despair”.


Foie gras, which literally translates to “fatty liver”, is made from the engorged livers of ducks and geese. As Kate explains,

“To produce foie gras, ducks and geese are force-fed enormous amounts of grain and fat, which causes their livers to swell to many times the normal size”.

Feeding pipes jammed into the birds often puncture their throats, which can cause severe tissue damage and internal bleeding. Watch Kate’s video to see the truth behind foie gras production and remember to speak out if you see it on sale!
