PETA Calls On Shell to Go Vegan for Earth Day

Posted by on April 18, 2019 | Permalink

This Earth Day, PETA is calling on Royal Dutch Shell to offset some of its impact on the planet while improving workers’ health and saving animals’ lives by switching to vegan meals on all of its offshore rigs in the North Sea, where workers live for months at a time.

How Animal Agriculture Destroys the Environment

Animal agriculture is right on the heels of burning fossil fuels when it comes to contributing to climate change.

Combined, the top five meat and dairy corporations are responsible for more greenhouse-gas emissions than either Shell, ExxonMobil, or BP.

Research by scientists at the University of Oxford shows that all animal-derived foods – including cows’ milk – have a much higher carbon footprint than their plant-based equivalents. Eating vegan foods can reduce a person’s dietary carbon footprint by more than half.

In addition, each person who goes vegan spares more than 200 animals a year daily suffering and a terrifying death and lowers his or her risk of suffering from heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.

What You Can Do for Animals on Earth Day

Do your part by signing our 30-day vegan pledge, and start your vegan journey: