Victory! PETA Helps Caged Birds ‘Check Out’ of Rosewood London Hotel

Posted by on May 29, 2020 | Permalink

After a concerned supporter informed PETA that finches and budgies were kept caged in the lobby at the Rosewood London hotel, we wrote a letter to the hotel stressing that this is no place for these highly intelligent, sensitive birds – who suffer particularly badly from stress.

The hotel quickly confirmed it’ll no longer keep caged birds and allowed a PETA team to transfer every single one of them to a bird sanctuary.

In an e-mail to PETA, the hotel’s managing director, Michael Bonsor, expressed his gratitude:

“Thank you so much PETA for your assistance in ensuring the birds have a new home that is safe and caring. We will not be having birds back on property.”

In the letter, PETA noted that the stress of being exposed to loud noises and bright lights at all hours while being stared at by strangers – who no doubt took photos of them using flash – could leave the birds shaken and upset and weaken their immune systems.

PETA collected the birds and transferred them to a spacious aviary in Essex, where they are finally able to fly free and will live out the rest of their days in peace.

Birds Are Not Props

All caged birds are either captured in nature or bred in captivity. In their forest homes, birds such as finches and budgies are never alone, and if they stray from the flock, even for a moment, they call out urgently. These socially orientated animals preen each other, fly together, play, and share egg-incubation duties. They’re known for their complex communication techniques, colourful feathers, and unique intelligence.

Many species of bird mate for life and share parenting tasks. Most birds won’t take a second mate if their first is lost.

Life in captivity is often a death sentence for birds, who may be kept in an improper environment and suffer from malnutrition, loneliness, and the stress of confinement.

What You Can Do

Birds are complex animals with specific needs – they’re not decorations. When we cage them, we take away everything that makes their lives worth living.

If you’re interested in birds, consider buying binoculars and going on bird-watching hikes or making a garden oasis for your feathered friends. Never cage birds – and share this information with your friends and family.