Heat is On For MPs Not to Repeal Hunting Ban

For Immediate Release:

22 May 2015


Sascha Camilli +44 (0) 20 7837 6327 ext. 235 [email protected]


Each of the UK’s 650 MPs Personally Contacted by Constituents Following PETA Appeal

London – Following news that the government is planning a free vote to repeal the Hunting Act, PETA asked supporters to contact their newly elected MPs through an online action alert. Nearly 48 hours after the appeal, every single MP in the country had been personally contacted by local constituents urging them to keep the Hunting Act. Over 100,000 people have also signed a Care2 petition demanding that elected officials reject a repeal of the Hunting Act.

 The vast majority of Brits are opposed to the orchestrated act of having foxes torn apart by packs of hounds, which is why fox hunting was rightly banned a decade ago,” says PETA Director Mimi Bekhechi. “Hunting terrified animals for ‘sport’ has no place in modern Britain, and repealing the ban would be a huge step backwards.”

In a recent survey, eight out of 10 people said that they support the ban on fox hunting, and even more support the ban on stag hunting with dogs as well as hare coursing – all of which are currently banned under the Hunting Act.

For more information or to join the growing anti-hunting movement, visit PETA.org.uk