Paloma Faith Calls for London Fashion Week to Go Fur-Free

For Immediate Release:

4 September 2018


Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]


Musician Teams Up With PETA to Push British Fashion Council to Implement a No-Fur Policy

London – As London Fashion Week approaches, singer-songwriter Paloma Faith has sent a letter on PETA’s behalf asking the British Fashion Council (BFC) to ban the use of animal fur at all its events, including London Fashion Week.

In the letter, available here, the singer points out that the market for fur has all but disappeared in the UK, which banned fur farming almost two decades ago. “The BFC shouldn’t be endorsing a material whose production is deemed so cruel that it is outlawed in the UK,” writes Faith. “With the vast number of cutting-edge, eco-friendly faux furs available on the market today, I’m sure you’ll agree that there’s no longer any excuse for killing animals for their fur.”

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear” – notes that on fur farms in Europe, in China, and elsewhere, animals are confined to tiny wire cages, denied the opportunity to do anything that’s natural or important to them, and killed by electrocution, neck-breaking, or drowning. Faith previously narrated a PETA video that exposes the routine cruelty in the international fur trade.

A PETA poll found that 95 per cent of designers with a show or presentation at London Fashion Week in February didn’t use fur in their autumn/winter 2018 collections, including Burberry and Mulberry. Many top international designers – including Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood, Calvin Klein, Gucci, Armani, and others – are 100 per cent fur-free.

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