Blackpool’s Meaty Mentality Prompts PETA Activist’s Call to Go Vegan

Posted by on January 9, 2024 | Permalink

Blackpool is one of the least vegan cities in the UK, according to a food trends report by Gousto. So after this news was revealed, PETA’s “Lettuce Lady” – wearing an animal- and climate-friendly dress made entirely of leafy greens – called on passers-by at Blackpool Tower to go vegan for January and beyond.

Go Vegan for January and Beyond

Today, you need only take one look at the foods available at supermarkets and restaurants to see that there are heaps of delicious vegan options. It’s never been easier to choose kindness over cruelty.

Going vegan for January – and beyond – helps animals, slashes greenhouse gas emissions, and improves individual health.

The vegan movement is growing at an astonishing rate as more and more people recognise that other animals have just as much desire to live as humans do – and that eating vegan is good for all animals and the planet.

For the Animals

The meat (including fish), egg, and dairy industries are a nightmare for animals, who are treated like a collection of body parts rather than the sentient individuals they are.

Piglets’ tails are cut off without painkillers. Chickens are crammed into crowded sheds where the stench of ammonia is so strong it burns their lungs. Cows suffer from painful udder inflammation and endure the heartbreak of being forcibly separated from their newborn babies over – and over – again.

For the Environment

You can’t be a meat-eating environmentalist. The meat, egg, and dairy industries are not only relentlessly cruel to animals but also a nightmare for the planet.

According to the United Nations report Tackling Climate Change Through Livestock, animal agriculture is responsible for between 14% and 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is, by some estimates, more than that of all forms of transportation combined.

Researchers at the University of Oxford found that going vegan can reduce an individual’s carbon footprint from food by up to 73%, so if everyone went vegan, it would result in a significant drop in greenhouse gas emissions.

For Our Health

Eating vegan can help reduce individual risk of disease, as plant-based foods are packed with health-promoting phytochemicals – including the powerful antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Researchers found that vegans had higher concentrations of carotenoids (a type of antioxidant), a higher proportion of total omega-3 fatty acids, and lower levels of saturated fatty acids than non-vegans, all of which are linked to positive health outcomes.

Turn Over a New Leaf

Join Blackpudlians in going vegan this January. Sign up to PETA’s January Vegan Challenge for tips, recipes, and guidance: