Orca Inouk Dies at Marine Park in France

Posted by on March 28, 2024 | Permalink

On the morning of 28 March 2024, Inouk passed away. He was one of the three remaining orcas imprisoned at Marineland, a marine park in the South of France. His death comes just months after that of Moana, another orca who died in the park’s cramped tanks. In their ocean homes, male orcas can live up to 60 years, but Inouk died after just 25.

Inouk’s Life and Death

Inouk was born in Marineland in 1999 and kept there with his sister Wikie, the mother of Moana and Keijo. His entire life was spent in captivity, never having the chance to swim in the ocean or escape the same barren tanks.

His sister Wikie – who is still imprisoned at Marineland – was the first orca to be forcibly impregnated via artificial insemination. Her baby, Moana, died when he was just 12 years old.

Orcas Don’t Belong in Captivity

In their natural habitat, orcas share complex family bonds and swim over 100 miles a day, but at marine parks like Marineland, they are forced to swim in circles in cramped concrete pools and perform meaningless tricks. Orcas like Inouk and Moana pay a high price to line the pockets of park owners. They endure a distressing environment and a life deprived of mental stimulation and often die prematurely from stress-related illnesses.

PETA has been campaigning for years to end the captivity of marine animals exploited for entertainment. PETA France has contacted Marineland multiple times to request the transfer of these animals to suitable sanctuaries, organised protests in Antibes, and launched campaigns with celebrities in attempts to secure the release of the orcas. PETA US even bought shares in Marineland’s parent company, Parques Reunidos, to influence the company.

The confinement of these intelligent individuals is unacceptable. Although Marineland can’t undo the damage it inflicted on Inouk and Moana, there is still an opportunity to stop exploiting the orcas who remain there by transferring them to a coastal sanctuary and allowing them to experience a semblance of a natural life.

Orcas Need Your Help

Never buy tickets to marine parks, and tell your friends to stay away from these watery prisons.

Please take action now for orcas exploited in the tourism industry: