Don’t Worry About Vivisection – the Government Has It in Hand
The government finally unveiled its grand plan to reduce the number of animals used for vivisection.
Animals Were Harmed in the Making of ‘Zookeeper’
PETA US members converged on the Hollywood premiere of the new movie Zookeeper to remember Tweet, a giraffe who collapsed and died on set during the movie’s production.
The World’s Largest Animal Testing Programme – Even Worse Than You Thought
The world’s largest animal testing programme – which has already killed an estimated 200,000 animals – is killing tens of thousands more animals than the law says it should.
Body Count Is in for the Running of the Bulls
At least 41 people suffered injuries during Pamplona’s San Fermin festival this year.
Sexiest European Vegetarian 2011: Previewing the First Entrants
Within a few short hours of launching our Sexiest European Vegetarian 2011 competition, we had already received a plethora of great entries from all across Europe.
10K Killed Every Day in UK Laboratories
The statistics for 2010 show a shameful but sadly predictable rise in the number of animals subjected to experiments in the UK.
Former ‘Playboy’ Model Proves Going Vegan Is the Formula for Success
Former Playboy model Victoria Eisermann handed out free vegan sausages from the Redwood Wholefood Company to Formula 1 racing fans at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.
Adele Goes Vegetarian!
Multi-platinum recording artist Adele, told Radio 1 that she is leaving meat out of her repertoire.
Carrefour Drops Bullfight Ticket Sales
Carrefour, the second largest worldwide distributor of bullfight tickets, has made the compassionate decision to drop sales of tickets to bullfighting events in France.
And the Proggy Award Goes To …
PETA’s Proggy Awards (“Proggy” is for “progress”) recognise animal-friendly achievements in commerce and culture.