PETA US Welcomes Hair Removal Brand sunny to Cruelty-Free List

Posted by on October 26, 2021 | Permalink

Hair removal brand sunny is adding its name to the PETA US Global Beauty Without Bunnies programme, which lists companies and brands that do not test ingredients or products on animals anywhere in the world.

sunny offers consumers the opportunity to take a stand against cruel tests that needlessly hurt animals. By joining Beauty Without Bunnies, the brand sends a clear message: the future of cosmetics is cruelty-free.

“We might be all about fuss-free hair removal, but we care about the important things, which is why we’re proud to be certified cruelty-free. It’s something incredibly important to us and to everyone who buys our products.”
– Olivia Hughes, Senior Communications Manager for sunny

sunny will also support PETA’s European Citizens’ Initiative, which asks the EU to maintain its bans on selling animal-tested cosmetics. Recently, the ban has come under threat because of new requirements for unnecessary animal tests for ingredients that have been safely used for years.

Global Beauty Without Bunnies: Easily Shop Cruelty-Free!

Millions of consumers use this list of companies and brands that don’t test on animals as an essential resource when shopping for personal-care products. We want you to use it, too. Before you shop, always make sure that the products you choose are from the more than 5,600 companies in the Global Beauty Without Bunnies searchable database of brands that don’t test on animals.

What’s Wrong With Animal Testing?

Across Europe, thousands of rabbits, mice, rats, and fish are used each year in experiments that often inflict severe pain for the sake of beauty products.

We need this suffering to end – for animals and for better product safety and environmental protection.

Join the Campaign to Save Cruelty-Free Cosmetics

The European Chemicals Agency is requiring that cosmetic ingredients be tested on animals despite an existing EU ban on cosmetics testing on animals and even though the ingredients in question have been used safely for years!

That’s why Dove, The Body Shop, and animal rights organisations including PETA have launched a new European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI).

Every signature counts. For an ECI to be considered by the European Commission, we need at least 1 million signatures.

If you’re an EU citizen, sign now!

If not (UK citizens are no longer EU citizens), please share our campaign with your friends in the EU today: