Monsoon Accessorize Joins the List of Brands to Drop Down Feathers

Posted by on January 17, 2017 | Permalink

After hearing about the down industry from PETA UK, Monsoon Accessorize has banned the use of down in its future collections.

The globally recognised brand has over 1,000 stores worldwide, making this step a huge victory for animals being abused and killed for fashion.

80% of the world’s down supply comes from China, and a recent investigation into how goose and duck feathers were procured revealed some shocking techniques. Birds can have feathers plucked from their sensitive bodies whilst they are still alive, and many endure this torture repeatedly before they’re eventually slaughtered.

And as the result of a murky international supply chain, products made with these cruelly obtained feathers and down could be ending up on UK shelves. Some suppliers certified to sell “responsibly sourced” down make assurances that they do not use live-plucked feathers, but shoppers can never really tell where the products they’re buying have come from.

Monsoon Accessorize will join a number of big UK brands have already dropped down from their collections. If you want to avoid the cruelty, the best way to help birds is to choose alternative materials and tell companies selling down bedding and clothing the truth behind the feathers.