PETA Urges the Pope to Cut the Catholic Church’s Shameful Ties With Bullfighting
We’re urging Pope Francis to cut the Catholic Church’s shameful ties with sadistic bullfighting and condemn the reprehensible blood “sport”.
Sir Paul McCartney’s Anti-Bullfighting Appeal Takes Over Madrid’s Gran Vía
Sir Paul McCartney shares his opposition to bullfighting in a PETA ad blitz.
Is This the End of Spain’s Barbaric ‘Fire Bull’ Festival?
In Soria’s festival, balls of black pitch are stuck to a bull’s horns and set alight – but we’re closer than ever to seeing this cruelty extinguished.
Travel Company Drops Running of the Bulls From Itinerary After PETA Push
A tour to Pamplona’s bloody bullfighting festival, San Fermín, has been dropped by Hampshire travel company On Site Events.
Spain Called Out for Unsporting Bullfighting Ahead of European Championship Final
PETA is calling for Spain to ban unsporting bullfighting as that country heads into the European Championship final.
Six Injured at Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls
These incidents – further to the horrific slaughter of 60 bulls – are another reminder of the barbarism involved in the San Fermín festival.
Dozens in Medieval Torture Devices Protest Against Pamplona’s Bullfights
Animal rights activists gathered in Pamplona ahead of the San Fermín festival to protest against the archaic ritualised execution of bulls.
Colombia Bans Bullfighting!
The ban will spare countless bulls a violent death in the bullring.
Why PETA Wants Kids Banned From Bullfights
Watching animals being killed for human entertainment can leave impressionable young people profoundly disturbed.
PETA Friend Peter Tatchell Urges Newly Out Matador to Turn Back on Bullfighting
Following the recent coming out of Mario Alcalde, Spain’s first openly LGBTQ+ matador, PETA friend Peter Tatchell reached out to the bullfighter.